Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Binary options trading strategy.
As mentioned a few days ago MarketClub has opened up their premium trading service for you to try risk-free over the next several days. We’ve been using the service for years to trade binary options and now you can as well for free! Here’s the link to take advantage of the offer:
Below we highlight the 5 Steps we use to trade binary options simply and easily using the free MarketClub Trading Signals Service…
Step1: After signing up for your MarketClub you should immediately create a portfolio and add your target list of names. You’ll probably want to stick to a core set of names offered on your platform of choice to start. Click on the ‘Portfolio’ tab and select the ‘edit portfolio’ option.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Alerts’ tab and set the scan type to ‘Daily Trade Triangles’ (not weekly) and symbol to watch to ‘Entire Portfolio’. Change the frequency tab to your preference. Once an hour and once a day are the most common choices for this option.
The daily trade triangles will be the key determinant in deciding whether to enter a position or not. The daily triangles are created using a proprietary MarketClub algorithm consisting of various moving averages and stochastic indicators. For real time accuracy we would suggest traders check and constantly update the daily trade triangle scan sheet within MarketClub as sometimes the signals can get caught up in an email vortex.
To access this chart below, click on the ‘Smart Scan’ category, and select the ‘Trade Triangles’ tab. Make sure to choose the appropriate asset class and time frame for your scan above the chart.
Step 3: Click on the orange button in the far right column for your trade candidate to access the chart analysis and score for your candidate. For binary call candidates you’ll want the total score to be as high as possible (+75 and over) and for binary put candidates you’ll want the total score to be as low as possible (-75 and under). The higher (lower) the total score, the better for your binary call (put) candidates.
Step 4: Within the score you’ll want to pay particular attention to the second Triangle (New 3 Day High/Low). This is the one, second from the top that will generate a positive or negative short-term signal for you. If the Triangle is GREEN, you should then confirm the signals’ viability status with the fourth Triangle (New 3 Week High/Low). The odds are in your favor that the trend will continue if both the Daily and Weekly light are both corresponding in color. If both Triangles are GREEN, then a positive movement is likely and a binary call purchase should be considered . If both Triangles are RED, then a negative movement is likely and a binary put purchase should be considered . If the Triangles differ in color then you should stay on the sidelines.
Step 5: Now that you know the specific name (ticker) and direction (call/put), its time to place a trade.
In summary, the Weekly Trade Triangles determine trend and possible entry points. Daily Triangles determine timing: exits, entries and re-entries. The last triangle issued on the monthly chart should always be used to identify the overall trend. Key Rule: always make sure your daily and weekly triangles correspond in direction. Replacement windows.
These Options Traders Hate Jay-Z!
Traders don’t appear to like hip-hop mogul Jay-Z too much right now. One such trader took a bearish position on Sprint (S) yesterday by purchasing nearly 8k June 8 puts for $0.60.
Earlier this week Sprint announced it purchased a 33% stake in Jay-Z’s Tidal music streaming service for roughly $200 million. Open interest in the June 8 puts totaled less than 3k contracts signifying that this is a new position.
Lending Rate Marketplace discusses how smart options traders are preparing to profit from the potential demise of Jay-Z’s Tidal streaming music service in this recent article.
How to Make More Than $240 an Hour Trading Binary Options.
While there are many binary options systems floating around, there are very few QUALITY binary options system providers in the marketplace. As a result we rarely highlight or review binary options systems on this site.
However I must say I am intrigued by this new Binary Trading System primarily due to the user-friendliness of the system, overwhelming DOCUMENTED results (86% Winners LTM ) , and the general methodology the system uses to identify profitable binary options trades. You can check out the video and results below:
Click Here For Full History & Free Instant Access.
Sexy Trading Strategy Yields $10k in 30 Minutes…
Is it really possible to pull 5-figures out of the market in a single day? The answer appears to be a resounding YES for those that implement this Super Simple Sexy Strategy…Watch the video and take action, you won’t be disappointed:
$10k in 30 Minutes — The Naked Truth.
Auto Binary Signals Review: User-Friendly, Premium Binary Options Signals.
While there are many binary options signals products floating around, there are very few QUALITY binary options signal providers in the marketplace. As a result we rarely highlight or review binary signal products on this site. However I am intrigued by these Auto Binary Signals primarily due to the user-friendliness of the system and the methodology the system uses to identify profitable binary options trades. Check out the video:
Binary Options Pro Signals – How The Best Just Got Better!
Binary Options Pro Signals Review – 2013.
With so many binary options systems, signals, and bots currently flooding the marketplace, it’s hard to get a grasp on what really works and what doesn’t. We can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Binary Options Pro Signals work! We’ve conducted 2 separate real-time reviews (one on this site and one on our Facebook page) on the Binary Options Pro Signals service over the last few years and each time we generated a winning percentage of close to 70%, more than enough room to consistently generate profits in your favorite binary options trading account.
>>> Binary Options Pro Signals – Exclusive Offer <<<
Out of the blue the Binary Options Pro Signals Team decided revamp and enhance its service, offering a lot more to the binary options trading community. Here are a few of the upgrades you receive with the new BOPS:
More Assets: Binary Options Pro Signals monitors 14 assets: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, EURJPY, Apple, Google, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Dow Jones, and S&P 500. (more assets are in the works as well!)
More Times: Traders are now able to receive binary signals during the London and US sessions under one service.
Better Delivery: Binary signals are sent via SMS Text or Email and are delivered in Real Time whenever the software indicates a high probability trading opportunity. With multiple signals throughout the London and U.S. market sessions, there will be many opportunities for winning trades.
The Binary Options Pro Signals track record speaks for itself, you can view the performance of recent signals here:
Binary Options Pro Signals – Recent Performance.
Follow This Binary Options Trading Checklist & Perfect Your Trade.
Binary options trading is not a game and should not be treated as such. The most successful binary traders approach each trading session with a gameplan; a gameplan to only enter into high win probability trades and to avoid high loss probability trades. The best of the best typically use some form of a binary options trading checklist which keeps them disciplined in their trading approach. We provide a full PDF binary options trading checklist and accompanying video via the link below:
High-Win Binary Options Trading Checklist & Video.
In addition to the Binary Options Trading Checklist highlighted above, we also follow these 3 strategies to further enhance our trading results:
Focus On 3-5 Assets: Binary traders oftentimes get overwhelmed with the vast number of binary options available to trade. A common mistake many new binary options traders make is to approach the trading day without a plan, without a focus list of assets to trade for the day. Don’t try to trade the entire universe, focus on a handful of names, get to know how they trade intimately on a day to day basis. This dedicated focus will save you a lot of time and frustration in chasing for opportunity after opportunity. The binary traders that make this extreme focus a core part of their trading strategy usually gain a greater sense of intuition in terms of predicting market movement. This edge is real, but can only be experienced through dedicated focus and following our Binary Options Trading Checklist.
Develop a Binary Options Trading Routine: How do you typically start your trading day? Do you have a set routine of going about catching up on the news, checking overnight activity, analyzing charts, and reviewing recent results? Most binary options traders do not, that’s why most fail. The best binary traders are not only disciplined in how they trade but also disciplined in how they prepare for the trading day. If you are one of these traders who struggle daily and can’t seem to find any consistency in delivering consistent results, we suggest you start to develop a set routine from the time you sit down at your computer to the time you finish trading for the day.
Review Your Binary Options Trading Results: I’m always surprised at the number of traders in general who fail to really analyze their current trading performance. And no I’m not talking about just returns I’m speaking more specifically to the thought process behind entering and exiting trades and the general effectiveness of this decision-making process. The best binary options traders keep a journal of their processes and results and review them on a daily basis, yes a DAILY basis. We cover how to effectively journal to maximize your binary options trading results in our Binary Options Trading Checklist which can be accessed via the link below:
High-Win Binary Options Trading Checklist & Video.
Introducing The New & Improved Binary Options Trading Course.
Over the last few weeks we took the time to freshen up our Free Binary Options Trading Course adding several new binary strategies and over 15 binary options trading videos. This is a must for all traders interested in trading binary options. In the course we discuss:
The very best times to place your binary trades The simple method traders are using to double profits on favorable setups How to use the binary price ladder to maximize your returns The most effective hedge to manage your binary risk Using social media to generate trading profits Non-direction binary trading strategies Secrets to Swing Trading Binary Options.
We discuss these highlighted topics plus much more in this dynamic course which also features live trading webinars. To access the new binary options trading course simply enter your name and best email address in the sign up box to the right.
Over 5 Years Of Binary Options Trading Results (Live Video Proof) & Free Access.
Check out this video from noted binary options trader Jeff Anderson showing r eal-time updated proof from his real money binary options trading account . Jeff is trying to distinguish himself from all the other so-called “gurus” out there by showing real, undeniable PROOF. These results seem unreal (especially given the simple disciplined system he’s using to get them), but the results speak volumes. Click on the video below and tell us what you think?
Download Your Free Trading System Here…
We are giving away 3 trading systems covering Binary Options, Forex, and Weekly Options Trading for the next 75 people who register for one of our upcoming webinars.
If you are looking to immediately unlock your true trading potential, you’ll definitely want to check out these 3 Brand New trading systems you can get for FREE by simply registering for one of our upcoming webinars. Choose 1 or all 3, doesn’t matter, they are yours for free…here’s what you get:
1. Binary Options Domination Video Course: 10 Cheat Sheet Strategies & 15 Dynamic Binary Trading Videos designed to maximize your trading profitability.
2. The Ultimate Forex Trading System: Get the system we’ve perfected for trading forex over the last 15+ years plus free online support to answer all of your questions.
3. Weekly Options Mastery Course: Get inside the Secret Playbooks of the World’s Greatest Weekly Options Traders in this Revealing Video Course.
To claim your new Trading Systems, simply register for one of the webinars listed below:
>>> The Ultimate Trading Package Webinar <<<
>>> Finding The Edge in Forex Trading <<<
Once registered, submit your name and email address in the sign-up box in the right corner of this site and respond to the email saying you registered for one of the webinars. We will send out your new trading systems as soon as we receive confirmation from you.